MetLife Federal Vision

2025 Plan Details


Choose the option that best fits the needs of you and your family.

Plan Options


Eye Exam
Every calendar year

Frames and Lenses
Every calendar year

Progressive Lenses


Lens Enhancements2

Standard Option Plan Coverage with a MetLife Network Vision Provider


Focuses on your eyes and overall wellness

$250 allowance for featured brands

$210 allowance for standard brands

$115 allowance at Costco, Walmart and Sam’s Club

Single vision, lined bifocal, lined trifocal, and lenticular lenses

Standard progressive lenses

Premium progressive lenses

Custom progressive lenses


Standard anti-reflective coating

Premium anti-reflective coating

Custom anti-reflective coating


Scratch-resistant coating

Impact-resistant lenses (children and adults)

Solid tints

Photochromic lenses (light indoors, dark outdoors)

UV coating





$95 - $105

$150 - $175






$0 - $17



High Option Plan Coverage with a MetLife Network Vision Provider


Focuses on your eyes and overall wellness

$360 allowance for featured brands

$310 allowance for standard brands

$310 allowance at Costco, Walmart and Sam's Club

Single vision, lined bifocal, lined trifocal, and lenticular lenses

Standard progressive lenses

Premium progressive lenses

Custom progressive lenses

Standard anti-reflective coating

Premium anti-reflective coating

Custom anti-reflective coating

Scratch-resistant coating

Impact-resistant lenses (children and adults)

Solid tints

Photochromic lenses (light indoors, dark outdoors)

UV coating





$95 - $105

$150 - $175

Independent Provider: $26 – $70

Retail Provider: $41 – $85






The service categories and plan limitations shown above represent an overview of your plan benefits. This document presents the majority of services within each category but is not a complete description of the plan.

Having trouble viewing this? Click on this PDF to view the information.

Value-added Features





Diabetic Eyecare Plus Program


Low Vision

  • You may apply your frame appliance toward non-prescription sunglasses or blue light filtering glasses.
  • In this case, service intervals for both frames and lenses will apply when in-network1

• One additional comprehensive eye exam less any applicable copayment

• One additional pair of lenses, necessary contact lenses or elective contact lenses less any applicable copayment if:

–the new prescription differs from the original by at least a .50 diopter sphere or cylinder, or

–there is a change in the axis of 15 degrees or more, or

–there is a .5 prism diopter change in at least one eye

• Once per calendar year intervals for exam, frames and lenses/contacts

• Applies only to covered children under age 18

  • Additional coverage for members diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
  • Preventive retinal screenings for members with diabetes but don’t show signs of diabetic eye disease
  • Exam: covered in full after $20 copay
  • Special Ophthalmological Services covered in full
  • Additional benefits for members who are not legally blind but whose eyesight cannot be corrected to 20/70 with the use of optical lenses; not available at retail chains including Costco, Walmart and Sam’s Club
  • Supplemental testing: Maximum of two (2) tests covered in full within a two (2) year period up to the benefit maximum
  • Supplemental aids: 75% of the allowable amount up to the benefit maximum every two (2) years
  • Benefit maximum: $1,000 every two (2) years
  • Requires pre-authorization

In-Network and Out-of-Network Details

In-Network Value Added Features


Out-of-Network Reimbursement

  • 20 - 25% average savings on all other lens enhancements2
  • 20% off on additional pairs of prescription glasses or non-prescription sunglasses, including lens enhancements; other promotional offers may also be available
  • 15% average savings off the regular price or 5% off a promotional offer for laser surgery including PRK, LASIK and Custom LASIK3 offer only available at participating locations
You pay for services and then submit a claim for reimbursement.
  • Eye exam: up to $45
  • Frames: up to $70 for both plans
  • Contact lenses:
    • Elective up to $105
    • Necessary up to $210
  • Single vision lenses: up to $45
  • Lined bifocal lenses: up to $65
  • Lined trifocal lenses: up to $85
  • Lenticular lenses: up to $125

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